kaiser permanente text bot interview

In asking this question, your interviewer wants to get a sense that you will bring the ability to build strong relationships to Kaiser Permanente. I had to submit my previous procedural logs and take a test. The program was a success, and upper management chose to keep it implemented for another six months. You also made sure to take action so that this did not happen again. ", "I make a strong effort to keep a healthy balance by spending my free time away from my cell phone and having more face-to-face time with my friends and family. I carry around a notebook and write down important facts if I think there is a chance I will forget them. In seeking out possible solutions, I also seek feedback and support from others when needed and also plan on how to cope in case of a solution does not go as planned.". The most successful healthcare institutions in the world pride themselves on the trusting relationships that they build with their patients and vendors and this is no different at Kaiser Permanente. Be sure to have an action plan in place for improving on this weakness if hired at Kaiser Permanente. Try to do the best I can for patients and remember always to be compassionate with them and treat them like I want my family members to be treated, and go the extra mile helping them.". You can enhance this response further by also sharing what you did to build team morale and try to maintain a healthy work/life balance in the face of increased workloads and long hours. Reiterate to your interviewer that you are aware of the stressors that come with this role. You've shared a pertinent example that illustrates you know how to deliver difficult news in a professional setting. To succeed at Kaiser Permanente, you should have a solid level of compassion for your patients or customers. My organized and efficient communication skills will be an asset to Radiology when communicating with other departments.". No matter what example you use, make sure that your interviewer walks away from your time together knowing that you have the skills to diffuse a difficult situation and that you realize this is a requirement for the job. As well, I am an active participant in my local rotary club. Make them think we care about them as if they were our family members so that they will come back.". Kaiser interviewers ask this question because they want to know that you can be polite, diplomatic, and supportive, even when members are difficult to understand. In the end, we awarded those with perfect attendance a $600 bonus. Is this something junior staff can be involved in? It is best to explain clearly what your strengths are and how those strengths would benefit you as a Radiology PA. I like to do the right thing, and sometimes I get stressed trying to reach that goal, but I think it's a worthwhile endeavor. It turned out that he did not want to work in our division as he felt the projects were too 'junior' for his experience. I greatly value diversity. In my search for a new position, it was important for me to find a new employer that embraces diversity & inclusion in their workforce and I'm confident I found that here at Kaiser Permanente. Why Do You Think You Are A Good Fit For This Company? Throughout Kaiser Permanente's 75-year history, the organization's commitment to diversity and inclusion has helped them in its overall mission. I take time on the weekends to do things for myself and ensure that I regenerate before the work week begins. Staying on a deadline is very helpful, and I will delegate when necessary to alleviate some stress. Patient care is a privilege, and I respect the role I have in clinical care and the part other people have. "The part of my career that brings me the most stress is when the schedule is running behind due to many different factors. When not at work, I spend many days outdoors with my family and I have found that time in the woods or on the water help refresh my body and prepare me well for the next time I step into my job. To my external vendor customers, I speak openly and honestly about our organizational needs and partner with them to create innovative and effective training sessions for our employees. Because this is a situational question, consider using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to provide a story-based example. A child dies, a patient yells at you, or you have to give someone a cancer diagnosis. A five minute walk or a quick conversation with a colleague can make a world of difference in breaking up a hectic day. ", "I am so glad you pointed out your need for diversity at Kaiser Permanente. Your response makes it clear that you volunteer in your community in various ways. These experiences have really opened my eyes to working with people from backgrounds different than myself. I would make sure to alert my team of a covid + patient and what protection to use, ie respirators vs N-95 masks. You can begin with your recent education, family life, volunteer work, or talk about your travels. To help myself on a day-to-day basis, I tried to stay as positive as possible with others and wouldn't be the person to pass along negativity. Just some food for thoughthow does this response align with the Kaiser Permanente philosophy? This question is a little tricky because it's unclear. We also met the needs of our team by protecting the positive culture we had worked so hard to create. The HR Partner and I approached this person to discuss our company culture and how his behavior disrupted the environment. Very nice answer. ", "From a young age, I was raised around a farm and animals are a huge part of my life. I learned a lot from this situation that I think I can bring to the Kaiser Permanente team. ", "Having worked as an RN for eight years now, my ultimate career goal is to be in a leadership position like a department director. 57 questions about Interviews at Kaiser Permanente. When the inevitable happens and the schedule runs behind, I don't hesitate to gather the troops and pull together in a team effort. I get along well with others and work well as a team.". "In my most recent position, we had a consistent problem with employees showing up late for their shifts or calling in sick at the very last moment. In the early morning hours, I was tending to a patient that was still wide awake and we ended up conversing for some time. No matter how you answer, your interviewer will be looking to hear that you can overcome any negative work environment and express your ability to do so by talking about a time you overcame a tough situation in the past. ", "When I started in Interventional Radiology, I was not trained in IR procedures. Kaiser Permanente health plans around the country: Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., in Northern and Southern California and Hawaii Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Georgia, Inc., Nine Piedmont Center, 3495 Piedmont Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30305, 404-364-7000 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the I have enrolled myself in an evening/weekend workshop for the next six weeks. But this is usually just for transitions. I've spoken with my current manager about it, and we've developed a system where he can call me out on the behavior since often I'm not aware of it. Once this trust is developed, my patients can fully trust me and recommend my services to future patients. ", Choose one of our practice interviews to help you better prepare for your upcoming interview, Be sure to check out our other company interview question sets, This company typically hires for the following careers, use these career-focused practice sets to help you win your interview. Working in a very stressful and draining job, I also ensure that I take time to refresh and reset myself during long days on the job. My documentation is strong, as well. Talk to the interviewer about your emotions and if they have ever affected your productivity at work. I strive for perfection too often, which causes unnecessary stress for myself. This is one of the reasons I have applied with Kaiser Permanente. If hired onto the team here, my first goal would be to learn and understand the quality measurements that the organization utilizes and study prior work that has been done to improve those measurements. You can improve your response by assuring the interviewer that you have a flexible salary range, but that you'd like to be compensated appropriately based on your experience and performance record. It's great that you are working on asking for help from a variety of people when needed. If you have an example or two of a time where you had to have a difficult conversation on the job, don't hesitate to talk about how you handled that experience and what you learned from it. Ultimately the patient understood and the procedure was finally completed.". Here at Kaiser Permanente, I would look forward to being the ideas person on your team and also expanding my confidence and skill set in taking the lead on some projects. Once he agreed to proceed, I informed the department staff of the urgency and expedited the transfer of the patient, which saved his life. I am currently pursuing my MBA to help advance me into a leadership position later in my career, and I'm hopeful that opportunities will exist down the road with Kaiser Permanente when I am ready to demonstrate my ability to lead. We do not claim our questions will be asked in any interview you may have. I treat everyone with respect, am a great listener, frequently check in on how everyone is doing, and pride myself on my communication skills. ", "My position at Kaiser is a Radiology Physician Assistant. If you can add in a little bit more about your education, that would round out your answer nicely. "The main thing that I will require to deliver exceptional patient service here at Kaiser Permanente is great training. When I need to relieve stress, I will take a walk to get something to drink or turn on some soft music.". I interviewed at Kaiser Permanente Interview 4 Rounds of interviews: 1) interview with the recruiter 2) panel interview with the team 3) leadership interview 4) case study interview I think the challenge is scheduling- this is a lot of time to go back and forth with one company. Maybe you are a pen and paper person. Our job requires multi-tasking, so I tackle one patient at a time while giving each patient my full attention. A large organization like Kaiser Permanente walks a fine line when talking about promoting from within because departments want long-term retention while also wanting their employees to reach their goals within the walls of the organization. Share your strengths as a problem solver, and the ability that you would come up with innovative solutions on the job at Kaiser Permanente. You've done well by answering diplomatically. While I am confident that my skills and experience are a great fit for this role and for your patients, the better I know the procedures, policies, and systems within the organization, the more wholly I will be able to help the patients I would be working closely with. Your interviewer knows that any candidate they select for this role at Kaiser Permanente isn't perfect and comes with an area or two for improvement. The purpose of this page is to help you prepare for your job interview. Immediately, I logged on to our email system to find out that the employee in question had requested the day off and I had totally missed their communication to me. You are showing the interviewer that you are highly capable in either situation. Dates shown above are approximate. Dental benefits. Discuss the reasons why will you be great at this job. Let the interviewer know that you can handle an environment that offers diversity by giving an example of a time where you embraced diversity in the workplace. Prior to your interview with Kaiser Permanente, your research into the organization's quality mission and vision will give you great insight into their patient care philosophy. I thrive when I work for supervisors who encourage curiosity and creativity in problem-solving. First, I work in a system, and I respect that. Image source: Times Herald. Hiring Age. I take the time to get to know my coworkers and what makes them tick internally to ensure that we work better together. Avoid speaking negatively about any patients or colleagues and use a recent example from your current role. I volunteered setting up and dismantling a children's consignment sale for 13 years prior to Covid. Some patients need a lot of attention; some want less, and some need boundaries. Talk to the interviewer about the compassionate qualities that you possess and that you'd bring to this role with Kaiser Permanente. Are there shared values that you could also mention? There was not a formal method of teaching IR PAs. I cannot take on every step of a project all of the time. "If I could expand my expertise in any medical specialty, I would choose anything within primary care. Than they call you for a second interview. This post provides exhaustive information on the Kaiser hiring process, to help you learn how to effectively go through the job application, interviews and other parts of the recruitment process at Kaiser Permanente and be employed. In my current position, I am not the most persuasive person on our team, but I am highly creative. As you answer, don't hesitate to talk about the things that you enjoy in your free time to show that you have the ability to mentally and physically recharge yourself after a hard day's work. But I don't want you to be surprised by the information. That way, it's easier to transition care, and the patient has all their info in the same place. I am most comfortable, and happy, in this type of environment because it offers me unique learning opportunities. ", "To me, it means to have a positive attitude to patients, smile and make them feel comfortable, answer any question they have, or resolve any issues they have. I called McKesson and ask them for a specialty same-day delivery and explained the situation to them, I told the patient we will receive it that night and apologized when she came to pick it up, and I make sure we always have it on stock for her.". If I were to be offered this position, I would look forward to bringing these services to this area as well. Using a specific example from your work history, talk about a specific time where you had to go the extra mile as part of a team to make a project or task a success. I am a competitive individual and enjoy keeping fit. They are also looking to hear that you understand the greater role this job plays in providing excellent service to the patients and fellow colleagues that you would be serving in this role. This shows the interviewer that you've done your research and aren't answering vaguely. Truth is always key, so I will be honest and clear when communicating the news. This process helped make our project a success in the end. Since I have two high school girls who are involved in music. ", "I prefer to focus on the positive, so if it's okay, I would like to share with you what my ideal work environment looks like. I utilize my Outlook calendar and set alerts for myself for deadlines and important activities. It's best that the person knows the reasons why so that they can learn from the experience. As we met for brainstorming and solution ideas, we realized that our new process decisions would affect many other departments. I grew up in a fairly homogeneous town in Montana. I make sure to practice empathy. For example - Does your ability to calmly share facts with empathy and answer any follow-up questions help patients relax and adapt to the change in their situation? Talk to the interviewer about how you can maintain that appropriate balance for yourself. Talk about the importance of a diverse team and give examples of a time where you thrived in this type of environment. I'm a good listener, and my coworkers and patients like that about me. Discuss with the interviewer what you would expect for compensation if offered this position. When talking about how you would fit with the company's cultural values it's important to emphasize that you know what those are by stating them. Looking back, I now make time in my calendar every day to review all emails that have come in and take action on any that are required so that nothing gets missed. I had 2 interviews with kaiser received and offer within a week. "I once worked in a very difficult environment and toxicity really started with our leader. With my coworkers, I am the person that is usually quiet and takes in as much information as possible when we are in a problem-solving environment. "In this profession, my customers are my patients and their family members and I look to be at my best in providing excellent care and compassion to them. Wrapping your answer up by talking about something impactful you've learned by working with a diverse team illustrates that you are authentic when you say that you see the value in diversity and inclusion. ", "I work good with minimum supervision, but I also enjoy working with a team. I called for one of our CNAs to come and help me get the patient to the bathroom and back to his bed. I listen, mirror, validate, and empathize. ", "I see myself as a compassionate person; I see more than a sick person picking up their prescription. ", "In my current role as the lead scheduler, I am responsible for making the schedules for the schedulers in three different departments. At the end of the day, many role titles are fluid. One for the clinic, one for me, and one for the patient. The success of Kaiser Permanente thrives on the accuracy of information and organization in all work that they do. To get at your ability to be pliable in your work, your interviewer would like to know about a time you were required to adapt to change in the workplace. What is important to them is that you are cognizant of your own personal shortcomings. If possible, try to point out your ability to stay calm in an emotional situation on the job by pointing out a time that you had to in the past with great results.Keep in mind - almost everyone is an emotional creature to some degree, but there are other ways that you can describe yourself that have a more positive connotation. In the ever-changing and evolving world of healthcare at Kaiser Permanente, being flexible and adaptable in your work is a key trait that your interviewer will be looking for in any candidate that they hire. ", "Working as part of a large team, there is a need to be extremely accurate in my patient care notes. "I am a highly detailed person, and I thrive on having a high level of organization in my day. He ended up requesting and receiving a transfer. ", "Having worked in the healthcare field for seven years now, I have really grown to appreciate the importance of continuing medical education and I jump at any chance to further my knowledge base in the field. I work good under stressful situations, and I'm good at resolving patients' problems.". "My customer service skills with my patients are definitely one of my strengths. This could include increasing budgets or improving patient care. It sounds as though you have exceptional patient service skills! "Whether I am doing an independent project or working in a team environment, I always give my best. "I handle stress very well, and when you call my references, they will attest to this fact. Even in my current role with a much smaller organization, we have a great amount of diversity, and that makes our team much more effective. I don't like environments that are littered with negativity, but always do my best to remain positive in these situations. In asking this question, your interviewer wants to know if you consider yourself to be an emotionally driven person. Second, I want to be the best at what I do. Talk to your interviewer about continuing education you have participated in recently, any conferences you regularly attend, or any seminars you have taken in your field. . ", "You are searching for someone with 5 years' experience and I have two. Not long ago, I received a call on a Friday morning when I was scheduled to be off work and was told that an employee hadn't reported for their shift. Did your team learn how to effectively use PPE and successfully protect themselves and their patients? I feel that your focus will be a great fit with my long-term career goals to eventually work in primary care with a great organization. My approach is to tune out the negativity and try to figure out why the personality is difficult. As you answer this question, try to talk about a specific time you had to work with an extremely difficult person during your career. "I certainly do not enjoy communicating bad news to a co-worker, but I do have experience in doing so. I start this by building trust in my patients with my clinical expertise and my interpersonal skills. The call was almost one hour in length, but it was worth the time to smooth over an important customer-related situation. Excellent! If you have an interview for a job at Kaiser Permanente then this is the video that you need to watch in full to help you prepare great answers that will hel. In a recent project in my department, I was tasked with participating in a team that looked at our dispensing of medications and how our processes could be improved. I have worked well with diverse co-workers and believe I will be a good fit for Kaiser.". Asked November 29, 2021 Currently, I am at a beginner to intermediate level; however, I would be more comfortable at an advanced level. ", "Knowing that I wanted to pursue a career that involved healthcare and science, I received my bachelor's degree in cytotechnology from Thomas Jefferson University. Write a thank you note or email to all your interviewers. I recently attended a pediatric trauma course that really opened my eyes to new techniques I could use in our emergency room. Ensure that the example that you use displays your ability to take on change with a smile on your face, a positive attitude, and produced an excellent result. ", Our Professional Interview CoachRachelle Enns Reviewed the Above Answer. I am a keen observer with a great memory, which allows me to recall unique solutions or ideas each and every day on the job in our fast-paced work environment. Talk to the interviewer about the ways that you ensure accuracy and organization in your day-to-day activities. With this question, the interviewer is trying to get an idea of how you interact with challenging people, such as a coworker who is hard to please or has a tendency to intimidate others. My spouse and I are a foster home for abandoned dogs and we love this aspect of our lives. ", "I believe I am a great problem solver because I am sure to gather as many facts as possible in any given situation. By seeing and understanding the history, I can help guide a plan moving forward for the team. One is ABC, and the other is XYZ. ", Our Professional Interview CoachKevin Downey Reviewed the Above Answer. ", Our Professional Interview CoachLauren McCabe Reviewed the Above Answer. Deadline: October 5, 2022. ", "In all honesty, the thought of a poor outcome with a patient is what stresses me the most. ", "My current nursing team is very diverse and our team functions at its best when all members are bringing their own unique perspectives to the table. You can strengthen this response further by sharing how you see your communication skills benefit your team or patients in the role you're applying to. Human beings all grow up in different manners and under different philosophies. Either way, I always do my best, and I make sure the job is done the way it suppose to be.". Perhaps you are watching TED talks to gain skills in a particular area, reading the latest-and-greatest book on the subject, or maybe you are taking a seminar at a nearby community center. In a positive tone, discuss how you made the situation work! Well done! Be sure to talk openly to your interviewer about which areas of your career are the most stressful. Are there specific Kaiser volunteer opportunities you'd be interested in? We wanted to create a resolution with this person. I understand that, as a condition of employment, Kaiser Permanente conducts post-offer drug screens, background checks, health screening (if applicable), and verification of eligibility to work in the United States using E-Verify. Do you utilize any computer programs or even apps on your phone to keep your tasks organized? I do assure you that, despite my being shy of experience by a couple of years, I am a top performer and you would not be disappointed in my performance. This helps the interviewer evaluate how quickly you could assimilate into the team and how your approach to work would fit with the team.

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kaiser permanente text bot interview