foreign service medical clearance disqualifiers

Do NOT submit to Medical Clearances. 1 views . The following in-service employees, contractors and EFMs are required to update their medical clearance: Persons assigned to the United States and not traveling overseas do not require a medical clearance. Provide a valid phone number and e-mail address good for 90 days when you submit the paperwork. Travel orders are not required to start the process. Employees requesting a waiver should follow the instructions in Human Resources SOP A-04. Your CDO or Agency HR will notify you of posts you have been medically cleared for your next assignment. There are several extra steps involved in bidding on overseas jobs if you or one of your Eligible Family Members (EFM) has a Post Specific (Class 2) Medical Clearance. state department medical clearance disqualifiers Obtaining reports from specialists, hospitals, therapists, and schools is time consuming. ESCAPE posts comprise a subset of High-Threat, High Risk (HTHR) posts. If a qualified mental health professional has made a diagnosis and that diagnosis may interfere with judgment, reliability, or stability the clearance status is at risk. Individuals assigned to an ESCAPE post has a medical clearance valid for one year. Additionally, compulsive or addictive sexual behavior when the person is unable to stop a pattern of self-destruction or high-risk behavior is analyzed. These are DOD medical standards. A medical clearance is valid until your scheduled home leave or end-of-tour whichever is sooner. Your email address will not be published. Examples of chronic conditions that must meet stricter DOD requirements to be deployed to an ESCAPE include but are not limited to; tighter control of seizures, asthma, headaches and mental health issues; injectable or refrigerated medications; cardiovascular risk factors and excessive weight (BMI >35). Your email address will not be published. The healthcare provider should review all yes answers on page 2 and provide relevant comments. All optional tests are optional, unless clinically indicated, and not required for an ESCAPE post clearance. Include the Medical Records coversheet. Under Status of Employee check or write in the appropriate designation (Employee, contractor, EFM, TDY, etc). If you shuttle between two ESCAPE posts, especially Baghdad and Erbil, please indicate both. After a Medical Clearance is issued, any required follow-up care for any medical condition is the patients responsibility. How Long is an ESCAPE Post Clearance Valid? The primary difference is that the employee, contractor or EFM should list all potential posts directly on their medical clearance forms. The Department of Defense also obtains your criminal history records and credit record. Submit your completed forms and other medical reports to Medical Records: Send via email to [email protected] (preferred) Or fax to 202-647-0292 (less preferred) Include the Medical Records coversheet. Accept some type of benefits from another country. Our Mission. Fellows should be aware that these posts are neither few in number nor confined to a specific geographic region. The medical clearances often take a couple of weeks, although the process can be longer depending on the situation. Basically, the DOD wants to establish that you are honest and trustworthy based on previous behavior. The name of the examinee (employee, contractor, LES or EFM) and DOB must appear at the top of each page 2, 3, & 4. 3901 et seq., requires all Foreign Service employees to serve a substantial portion of their careers overseas, and limits the number of years Foreign Service employees can spend in continuous domestic service. Include the Medical Records coversheet. Allergies must also be reviewed. Ask questions! Part of your eligibility for the FAIT Fellowship . Since youll be serving overseas as a Foreign Service Specialist after successfully completing the FAIT Fellowship program, youll need to be able to obtain and maintain a worldwide (Class One) medical clearance. Consequently, you can expect the most scrutiny and thorough background investigation of any of the three levels. Such requests should be submitted no earlier than May prior to the new bidding cycle and no later than 30 days prior to the bid due date. However, everyone makes mistakes which means if you can prove youve learned from your past and your current track record is much stronger you could receive a waiver. Review the list of posts submitted by the CDO or agency HR. While an individual may have Worldwide Availability under DOS guidelines, that same individual may not be approved for an ESCAPE post under DOD deployment requirements. Please print your email legibly. In addition to the labs on DS-6561, a Hepatitis C Antibody Screen, and a Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Screen, plus a lipid profile for those 35 or older must be added to the DS-6561 or DS-1843. The in-service clearance process is simplified using a DS-3057: Medical Clearance Update (MCU) form. Part of your eligibility for the FAIT Fellowship program is your ability to enter the Foreign Service upon completion of the program. Pre-Employment or Pre-Assignment Medical Clearance Process for ESCAPE Posts. Class 8 clearances will also be issued to an employee or eligible family member who is in pending status (Class 7) and who has not completed the evaluation within the allotted 90 days. If you are retiring and plan to work as a REA/WAE, please check the form under both separation and pre-assignment with REA/WAE handwritten next to pre-assignment. (CT:MED-41; 03-07-2019) A security clearance investigation examines your personal conduct for a reason. Such clearances may only be issued to candidates whom the Office of Medical Services deems able to serve at the most isolated and restricted overseas posts. Medical clearance determination by Medical Services is based on its thorough review of each fellows medical history and a physical examination, including an individual assessment of his/her specific medical needs and the medical capabilities of Foreign Service posts to meet those needs. Foreign Service when one has family members with medical or learning disability problems that preclude them from receiving a Class One medical clearance is accepting the possibility of unaccompanied assignments. Lastly, even those with top-secret clearance sometimes need to apply for more clearance to access classified information. Some posts could face extreme isolation due to limited air and other transportation services, and unreliable Internet, telecommunications and postal and delivery systems. Providers are also encouraged to submit supporting medical reports, labs, and consults for each chronic condition. Contractors and DOD Civilians should contact their sponsors human resources. This is a medical-legal requirement. To be hired for a job with the Foreign Service, you need to be cleared from a medical standpoint to be Worldwide Available, also known as a Class 1 Medical Clearance.0. Periodic reinvestigations (PR) are required every 10 years for the secret level. An additional sheet of paper may be used if more space is needed. Or fax to 202-647-0292 (less preferred) Via email in a PDF format to [email protected] (preferred) The separation (or retirement) physical examination is for employees and eligible family members (EFMs) leaving the Foreign Service. The purpose of the suitability review is to determine, from the candidates total record, whether the candidate is indeed suitable to represent the United States. Answer (1 of 3): You will not be accepted if you fail in any of the following tests: written test (based in mental stability questions), the drug test, the vision. The following employees, contractors and EFMs should not use a MCU: New employees (including newly hired EFMs), those switching agencies, any person not currently assigned to or has a valid TDY clearance for an ESCAPE post, separating from the Foreign Service, and new REA/WAEs. The medical examination performed at the time of separation from the Medical Program serves to identify medical conditions that may have developed during service abroad. c. Domestic Only (Class 5): Issued to all who have a medical condition which is incapacitating or for which specialized medical care is best obtained in the United States. CIA Requirements - CIA - Central Intelligence Agency Please print your email legibly. Medical Clearances must see reports from your specialists regarding the status of your health or educational issues. All chronic medical conditions must be listed on page 4 in assessment or problem list section. Complete a DS-1843: Medical History and Examination for Foreign Service or Individuals Age 12 and Older form. Inform your CDO or Agency HR of approval determinations. Given its high-pressure working environment, the Foreign Service has elevated levels of stress that can negatively influence behavior. A Post Specific (Class 2) Medical Clearance means you (or your EFM) have (or has) an on-going medical, mental health, or educational issue where the medical capabilities needed may not be available at every post in the world. Tips for Your In-Service Medical Clearance Update. . All Rights Reserved. When to Start the In-Service Clearance Process. Provide a current phone number and valid mailing address. After the questionnaire is completed its sent through a National Agency Check (NAC) and Local Agency Check. If you are going on TDY, indicate if you are CONUS-based, any possible ESCAPE posts you may travel to, and estimated duration of your TDY. The Department of State has identified certain posts as Employee Self-Certification and Ability to Perform in Emergencies (ESCAPE) posts. MED encourages you to have your exam at your future medical providers office to establish a medical relationship with a provider at your retirement home. MED Clearances strives to review an employee, contractor or EFM initial documentation within 30 days after documents have been uploaded and indexed by MED Records. The only difference is that top-secret applicants receive more analysis and scrutiny compared to confidential security applicants. g. Separation (Class 9): Issued to employees and eligible family members following separation from States Medical Program. Tips for Submitting Your Medical Clearance Application. While not everyone in the military is required to have a security clearance, it helps to know the process. Medical Clearances will not clear an individual to go to a post that does not have adequate resources for that person. The government has connections to your criminal record so its best to be upfront and honest about any criminal past. MED/MHS Checkup: Foreign Service Members Weigh In All persons must undergo a full physical exam for their first medical clearance. Repeated or habitual use to excess of intoxicating beverages affecting the ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the employees position. Not all agencies human resources have this capability. A waiver request should be sent to an employees CDO, who will forward it to the Five/Eight Committee. The following information is designed to assist as you navigate the MED Post Approval process for those with a Post Specific clearance. Confidential Medical Information. .header-alert .icon.icon-close-thin.header-alert__close.js-header-alert-close{display:none;}.

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foreign service medical clearance disqualifiers