difference between holding a grudge and not forgetting

2021; doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.656689. None of these are likely. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). And not to take me out either, but asking if I would take him out. I really love BR. You might need to deal with him in relation to your child but you can do that in a business like pragmatic way. Getting another person to change isn't the point of forgiveness. Ready. Thanks again! not coming out. , look Im better than you because Ive forgiven you, you lowlife. Your response is keeping me strong. I do not think he knows that I know this or that he is married. It is very challenging and even breaking off all contact isnt always the answer. Its been three years since we parted and I no longer feel pain over what happened. I would take such advice with a grain of salt. I think its most important for starters that you stop with the new guy, explain that you cannot continue because you are not over your ex and then stop dating for the time being. You deserve better than that. I was having a real rough time in my life a couple of years ago and attracted about 5 different personality disorder types into my life(including NPD). She did not mention the message she had left me. They think in black-and-white terms. I have always adopted NC as my natural response, even before reading about it. I felt a strong attraction to him from day one mentally and physically and its hard to forget about it even though hes been saying these offensive things. In my experience, knowing what makes them tick and knowing theyre mentally ill and cant help it makes the whole thing more comprehensible (though certainly not less painful). You can do so much better than a rebound that doesnt give you what you need, too. Either way, you really dont need to know how well hes doing (it could also just be an act. When I reminded him that hed been with another woman at a previous event he said she was just a friend. NOTHING, time to live in present and learn/forget my painful past! He knows. there is so much more to my current world of pain. The more you try to chase those feelings away, the more they remain. Sometimes I feel I do, but mostly I feel I dont. Interesting post & timing of it. Youre mean to not want to go there. Listen to it. People are so complex. Meditation really helps you to learn to be in the present moment and enjoy it. My ex EUM and I broke up a week ago and were emailing and he didnt email me all weekend and I was happy. It is hard to imagine being free and clear someday. Vengeance- An action of revenge or payback. We forgive the debt and move on (without the person and without payment). My point is Thanks for putting it to me in light of drug addiction. A 2021 studyTrusted Source concluded that a greater level of forgiveness is associated with lower stress and better mental health. Grudges aren't uncommon. I wont feel guilty about admiring the sociability and sweet openness of a guy at the party I went to. We are all human beings, meaning we are entitled to do things that others are not okay with at some point or another. I take it to mean all the people in church who wind me up because, you know, Im spending eternity with them. I am beyond crushed that he sent just 2 lame text messages after he said he had no time for a relationship. Have I forgiven them? Yes, we have to forgive (up to 77 times which wasnt literal, but denoted the extremity of extending forgiveness) everyone, including our enemies, in the sense that we hold no hatred for them, (letting go as you mentioned), realizing that, if there is to be vengeance it is not ours, but Gods. This has been my biggest weakness! Tinkerbellif I had been in your situation where I gave my heart, Id have to go NC. then i realized i had to end everything with him becasue I still had feelings and told him not to contact me anymore. While we don't often like to admit it, holding a grudge is a common way some people respond to feeling that they've been wronged. I second guessed myself, I felt guilty and ashamed and I believed him when he said that I was inadequate and wouldnt be able to cope as a mother to my children. Good people should allow a person to have as many chances as they ask for and when our typical mode is people pleaser who worries too much about what everyone else thinks and silences their true self to follow shoulds laid down by the inner critic, we go against ourselves. At first, I tried to play it cool. you're not angry but you remember what that person is capable of so you don't put your trust in them again. Of course, thats easier said than done.Forgiving doesnt mean you forget what happened, or that youve decided it wasnt actually that bad. I dont hold a grudge but by god I will no longer hit the reset button with this total dick head who I spent 5 years with, who has made this the most painful, long drawn out break up I have ever experienced in my life. They say, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Yep, if he cuts our program, I dont have to forgive him either. Nonforgiveness is to build a dreadful . resentment noun. They also gave me pause for thought. I forgive my ex who was abusive. The last time I saw him was a few hours after he left my bed and he had an actual girlfriend in his We had a several year long r/s, including living together that had been dialed back to living separately and dating. I screamed obscenities at him on his doorstep and went NC and remained that way until this recent contact. I couldnt really forgive him but I could not let it go either. You cant kill the memory, but youve ended the BS once and for all. In any case, I can sympathize with the trauma you must have gone through with such a parent. I finally get it now. Grudges are toxic to relationships. It is just getting through the days, not checking phone, email etc. Reflect on times when others have forgiven you. Seriously, I know I just have to continue my resumed NC as that is the adult way to demonstrate my values and boundaries. What To Do When Your Family Doesnt Love What Does Arguing With A Narcissist Sound Like. If you feel uncomfortable, dont stick around. If you allow negative feelings to crowd out positive feelings, you might find yourself swallowed up by bitterness or a sense of injustice. Somehow it feels less amazing than we thought it would once we are over someone and they contact us, I think (Im not there yet, but so I have heard). But there are strategies you can try to help you move past your anger and hurt feelings. Lose valuable and enriching connections with others. You get tempted to go for that fix, but you stay away. "Putting too much cream in the coffee or fighting over the TV remote can turn into a major blow-up due to the backlog of unresolved feelings in the relationship. Ive never in my life had a problem being undecided or being able to keep a friendly distance with someone who I dont have much feelings for. Sometimes, you may find that you're holding a grudge even if you're doing so unintentionally. American Psychological Association. He has respected my wishes however I feel like I lost a friendship entirely different convo. : a feeling of anger or displeasure about someone or something unfair. life sucks. I hate having to tell people about the split, and expose myself to their judgements but I try not to worry about it, after all they were not married to him. They can seem like two different states of mind. She moved in with a new guy within a couple months of our breakup, and it is an effective deterrent to me reconciling anything with her. You do not want to go back to that way of life for nothing, because you know the damage it caused. I guess the attraction is that hes intelligent and I thought he was a nice guy. Im struggling a lot with my self worth at the moment (even if rationally I know that it does not depend on him). Feel at odds with your spiritual beliefs. Ive kept my head held high, hid behind a smile and time has made it easier but boy has he spread some lies about me. that I was not OK with acting like friends and that he should have had the guts to tell me it was over instead of disappearing. Holding onto feelings of resentment is a surefire way to tell that you're not over an issue. NC works, it really does. I felt so stupid and violated. hes a carbon copy of many of the people discussed on this site; not so special or unique! Its amazing how familiar that sounds, Maeve. I am so proud that I went NC and remain focused on therapy to learn self love, self respect. Theres NOTHING wrong (and in fact everything RIGHT) with pulling away from someone who is repeatedly hurting you without letup (especially after theyve been made aware of it!). Meaning: You won't forget what she did. He got the ego stroke or attention he was after. Each person is different and has a unique personality. I have gone through all the possible explanations, mostly that he is a narcissist, certainly emotionally damaged, that he was playing with me, that he got scared, etc. He and I both are, I wanna say, more devout than not. And I dont think that my post said differently. As a recovering people pleaser, Im done with jumping through hoops trying to prove myself to unpleasable people. Not doing it!You dont need to keep proving yourself or trying to earn their approval, and whoever you first learned to do this with taught you to believe you *had* to be a people pleaser. In the distant (or not-so-distant) past, someone hurt you. My feeling is that it really doesnt matter what race, color, or creed we are. She left another message very late at night asking me if I got it and if I liked it. It did occur to me that being in no contact with him for good may seem a bit harsh and like Im holding a grudge against the past, but then it also occurred to me, Who cares? Why does it matter what someone who clearly didnt care about me thinks? I asked my friend what she thought of him very pleasant and charming but with an eye for young women. Spot on! Dont allow yourself to be his emotional sponge while things work or dont work out between him and his ex. He deserves a guilty conscience. But to forgive in a way that would be about reintroducing more contact btw them and me into my life would mean forgetting why I had to push back in the first place. Teachable, I would block his email on Facebook. I was calm and polite as always. I didnt even stand up to him the times he hit me, and told me it was my fault that he did it. It also doesn't necessarily mean making up with the person who caused the harm. "Think about how much emotional threshold you have towards most people even annoying ones," Owen said. Why? I realised that I dont need him to validate my feelings and that I dont need him in my life to feel happy. Can You Take a Hint? I think in order to get over it, it needs to stop. Youre holding a grudge! Forgiving is not always easy - especially if you have experienced . Is your opinion of that behavior good or bad? Why Do They Keep Having Sex With Me If Theyre Not Interested Or Dont Want The Relationship I Want? NO! . Feeling assured he aint a bad man assclown who messed me up.because im plesant to him. The difference depends on your relationship and personality. privacy practices. .and, I believe forgiveness starts with us, first. endstream endobj 157 0 obj <. The Big Question: Will he try to get in contact with me? By embracing forgiveness, you also can embrace peace and hope. The frenetic-ness of it seems almost like anxiety. RFC I think you already have the information you need, he said he feels suffocated in a relationship and he wanted FWB. Ultimately, dont let anybody make you feel bad about the fact that you have knowledge or awareness of something and are being responsible enough to ensure that your values and boundaries reflect this. Improved mental health. I hope youre doing great!! They're suffering from an emotional imbalance, which therapy might help. Be grateful he is gone and you dodged a bullet. ", "Moving on means choosing not to let the hurt and anger have power over you,", , a clinical psychotherapist, told INSIDER. Have you gone for therapy with someone who is trained to deal with people who grew up in narcissist homes? We can remember without ill will. Trauma refers to your physical and emotional response to experiencing harm or violation. In my situation, we both have grown. No MMs is a good one but no-one who knows people I know (for instance)is too limiting. Meaning: You will do something harmful to her because . It made me feel weak and pathetic. You know you need to stop. All I can do is send you and your children a great big hug and I know you are all going to be just fine, xxxx. %%EOF You have helped me in the past and I wish I could say something wise to support you. Forgiveness is letting go. MotherofDoodles 5 hr. "When the resentment persists, the grudge is still going strong. This happened to me or similar. My point is that we have instincts we must follow whether it is about the guy or about our ability to be within the relationship or both. Up until very very recently I would have sung his praises about being a caring good man-Im blown away. From our hearts. We got back together after the second break up and now he doesnt want a committed relationship and we broke up again-this time I with him as his behavior was so HURTFUL. I hope these help. so sad. I dont want to be around YOU. ;)). Surely ther. He then proceeded to delete me from his skype contacts 10 days later, and he went back (he had deleted his account when he was with me) on the dating website where we had originally met (I have cancelled my own account there). But I will feel better! He also said woe to the person who harms one of these little ones. Consider how forgiveness can lead you down the path of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. We were supposed to discuss this on a Tuesday morning, but on the Monday night, I received this text message, I know I said that we would talk in the morning but I wont be able to do that. Since the break up months ago I have remained silent (of course they want you to do this) but I just cant be bothered to state my case anymore. I feel very positive about the future, whether or not that includes a relationship with a man. Oh, eww, this guy sounds awful. NC Nice idea but no one can correct a relationship on their own. Sandy, I am proud of you, too. Grace answered beautifully. Sending love and hugs your way. Im ususally the one trying to drag things out by conveniently forgetting that he was the one who used to nearly ignore me in the hallway, not call for days and then expect a hot night of sex,only to be gone the next day and not call again. Dont waste your time with him. He can protect his own ego by staying away from me and working on improving himself as I move on. You will not get it. This is an amazing light shed on what could become a problem for me. This is just what I needed to read today, so thank you so much, Natalie. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Sparkle that video is really emotional to watch for me, having been where that woman was too. I was appalled by this. I am and will always be a person of extremes. Dear ReadyForChange, your reply to the AC was SO self-possessed that he had to escalate his make her feel rejected plan. We were never enough of anything for her. All of this led to a fight and unremitting denials about his perceived drug use before he drove off. Many years ago, I was seeing a guy who lived across the street. Its like my old AC all over again. I really like this guy. Lately however, Ive given myself permission not to like people for their behavior. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Im due to see him at another social event this week and Ive decided to tell him in no uncertain terms that Im not OK with pretending to people that were friends and that hes superficial and shallow- and a coward for not having the gumption to tell me that hed moved on. He also conveniently forget to tell me that his old friend was coming to visit and the relationship is not platonic his words!!! 30 Signs That Someone Isnt Interested Or Is Half-Heartedly Interested In You: How To Avoid Being a Passing-Time Candidate. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. Its funny if you were feeding homeless people at 4am you wouldnt beat yourself up about the fact that you didnt much enjoy getting out of bed to do it. None of these are likely. Well then, yes, I have decided that I wont ride that Ferris Wheel again.. And thenif he doesnt reply more questions. I love what you said about real friends would support you, see your reason for NC and not have him showing up ay parties you will be coming to. I work alone and am not in a relationship. ", You're all about fairness or want to make sure that they see your side of things, "You might plan to get together with a friend or go out with your boyfriend, but then decide to cancel at the last minute, just because you don't feel right about it or aren't "up to it," Habash, said. We dont need to do any of these things for others or to ourselves. the person who told you that is wrong. I feel frustrated at times because its in the past, gone, done & I want the recycling to stop but not sure how to make it stop. I would kill myself before I would let ONE day go by with my sons wondering if I loved them. Talking through things with the person in question or working through things with the assistance of a trained professional can help you move forward, once and for all. Grudges are a form of punishment. Hell, no! But I did. You do not have to forgive someone to let something go and move forward with your own life. Great that you saw the light and are moving onwards and upwards! Theres no reason for him to think otherwise, anyway, because Ive been a stellar companion. It was one of the factors that kept me trying to believe in my exs good intentions so earnestly expressed while he just kept on doing the same old thing and treating me in the same old way. When the resentment persists, the grudge is still going strong.. I accepted that I have always been different to this group of people (and I can say that nothing has changed given the connections to old school chums through Facebook). Hes made a couple of crumby attempts to contact me since he broke up with me and while initially I thought that would make me feel better, it didnt. Probably. Good people should allow a person to have as many chances as they ask for' and when our typical mode is people pleaser who worries too much about what everyone else thinks and silences their true self to follow 'shoulds' laid down by the inner critic, we go against ourselves. Forgiveness is to be a liberator, an emancipator, a freer of spirits once shackled by mistakes of the past. These people are practicing these things willfully and maliciously. I am well aware of the working definition of forgiveness and what it means and doesnt mean, especially in Biblical terms. Even the Bible says that we should freely forgive, but ONLY those who are repentant (i.e., are sorry for what theyve done and who DONT repeat the offending action). All you're doing it making yourself unhappy by holding onto it. I was so surprised with his sudden change of behavior toward me, that I mistook it for his dropping his act. The researchers found six main components of holding a grudge, including: Sometimes, we get so obsessed with a grudge that we develop a sort of tunnel vision. You cant make sense out of insanity and crazymaking. Many people who grew up churched have no idea of whats out there. But I had let my sister listen to it. He has no remorse for screwing up his kids childhoods. He cant give me what I want, need and deserve as a woman so its futile for me to stick around. He was beyond hurtful and I just kept hoping and waiting and hoping he would make room in his life for me. Text book I tell you. Good for you Noquay. But I am trying to maintain my dignity. One of the problems with a grudge is that often the person holding it doesn't tell the person who committed the so-called hurt. We can have good boundaries on one thing and ridiculous ones on something closely related. He will always make my skin crawl, a little. "You might plan to get together with a friend or go out with your boyfriend, but then decide to cancel at the last minute, just because you don't feel right about it or aren't "up to it," Habash said. YESSSSSSS!!!! Mayo Clinic offers appointments in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota and at Mayo Clinic Health System locations. Install a Number-Blocking application on your phone to filter his calls. Everyone thinks he is an absolutely fantastic husband, and I was lucky to have a man who was taking his kids here and there, putting out the bins, growing loads of his own veg, always smiling. He made sure that I never got what I wanted and needed. Actually, theres nothing to forgive because he never tried to hurt me and he has always been honest, even painfully so. You might not always think that you're still upset with someone over a certain thing, but you very well could be. I dont like to be around you. When I talk to people who struggle with walking away and staying away and who keep getting their fingers burned, there can often be this fear of appearing to hold a grudge. Hi Rosie! If we can hurt them like they have hurt us.. Im just searching for some truth. This of course prompts me to ask WTF and he tells me my friend and their son moved out in Sept. I had issues were I would let things go, but still have resentment through my silence and it took me quite awhile to move beyond passive aggressive behavior and to just confront people about how I felt about the situation or their behavior. Try to step out of your own feelings for a moment and think about how the other person feels. And yet, when it comes to forgiveness, we dont think that it means anything unless we can hoodwink ourselves into liking it. I know you cant just switch off your memory and forget all the pain that was brought upon you, and as frustrating as that is, its a friendly reminder that I needed the pain in order to grow. His reset button approach was oh, so, polite and made me crazy, though. Guess Im not as awesome as i originally thought. Maybe he was just showing off to his friends, I dont know. It simply means that youre choosing to move on. Its bordering on the OCD side which can be so frustrating. This reminds me of the dance AC whom I recently brushed off as having a flirting fetish and who my mother insisted liked me (so I let my guard down an inch). Feeling indifferent to a person is another way that you might be able to tell that you're secretly harboring a grudge. I also observed undercurrents of hostile, disrespectful behavior. When I heard him say that it made me really question him, also I was thinking that maybe he was saying it to brag to his friend and didnt really mean it. When you share your feelings and your legitimate feelings make another person defensive, you are not being blamed for holding a grudge. My grandmother whom I was very close to died recently. Stay up to date with what you want to know. Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for improved health and peace of mind. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Thinking about what sorts of feelings a person or situation brings up can help you figure out what's really going on. Cant say I get no bites at all, now! A theological debate would be fun, though, especially with Revolution as shes smart, a writer, has a feisty personality and a beautiful heart and probably knows her stuff. i even had a realtionship between and had to break up with the guy becasue I kept missing the other one, which was when I decided to be friends with the ex I have feelings for. He wants your forgiveness, which he probably interprets as you being okay with what he did. ReadyforChange, I would advise you not to break NC. I said thats just what you say about me. I was actually relieved when she showed her true feelings on that voice mail message because now I can let everyone who wants to know why I dont have anything to do with her listen to the incredible, unbelievable message she left her daughter. Probably has a harem and a significant other to boot. Something about the sordidness and secrecy kept pulling me toward him. I believe his overtures to get together and willingness to have a conversation are just another attempt to hit the reset button as I allowed him to do after varying lengths of attempted NC in the past. Looking into the reasons why forgiving is not easy. And go No Contact for as long as you possibly can. I was a sobbing messat workbecause she left the message at 9:00 a.m. on a work dayknowing I would listen to the message at work. Not only that, but you can find yourself taking advantage of any opportunity to let your voice be heard. Ever since then I never got involved with anyone who lived too close to me. I wouldnt say that I was a misfit at school but I didnt fit in. Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behaviour or unique IDs on this site. he went off to chat to a young woman (no surprise there!). I am filled with anger although we have very limited contact. Of course, they object when you point it out. Lisa- No, do not break NC. Grudges are a learned response. Im told I need to forgive him and speak to him for the sake of our son, but if he hurt me so terribly and he shows minimal interest in parenting, then why should I continue to beat my head against the wall? Intelligent doesnt automatically mean healthy. It helps to train the mind and associate pain with the thought so hopefully you have less thoughts in the future. Sure, maybe theyve changed, in small, little ways (like Maybe they pay for the entire dinner instead of paying half, lol). This for my own sake. He emailed last night and it didnt make me feel better. And not in a self-righteous, look Im better than you because Ive forgiven you, you lowlife way, but in a genuine, humble way. I think its hard for us to believe that people would do such disrespectful hurtful things, so we go into denial. When I reflect, I have forgiven the assclowns from my past for their bad behavior. I am paralyzed even after all this time with a feeling of waiting for the other shoe to drop. At certain points I have gone NC with her for extended periods of time because she hurts not only me, but EVERYONE I care about with her words. You just gotta listen and watch. I am an adult now, not a child who depends on her for whatever scraps she felt obligated to dole out. Your explanations about why something is inconvenient, or abusive, goes in one ear and out the other. Hard to be alone. Also, I think its hard to strike a balance between giving people the benefit of the doubt and being on the lookout for crap behavior. holding a grudge = still being angry and bitter about the wrong someone did to you forgive but not forget = move on. If he is a narcissist then you are feeding him. And I had parental issues I was trying to solve through him. I have no idea why I had such a high threshold for this in the past. Rakel D, ed. I know how good it feels when you finally take that step and dont look back.

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difference between holding a grudge and not forgetting